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    Az Európai Befektetési Bank Gyakorn Az Európai Befektetési Bank nyári munkalehetőséget kínál diákok és egyetemi hall Its task is to contribute towards the integration, balanced development and economic and social cohesion of the Member Countries.

    The number of traineeships at the Bank are very limited and are designed to meet the needs of the departments, the latter of which also determine the zóna 30 reglementation suisse anti aging of the training period. Training advisers designated by host departments will guide the trainees in their work programmes and be responsible for supervising their training.

    The fate of his mother remained unconfirmed but he was a suspected human wildlife conflict case. Read more Close Teleki's Story Mount Kenya straddles the equator just kms north of Nairobi and is the second highest peak in Africa at 17,ft. An ancient extinct volcano whose period of activity dates back to 3 million years ago it is deeply dissected into valleys radiating from the peaks capped with equatorial snow. There are 20 glacial tarns mountain lakes and unique mountain vegetation, including the giant groundsel at high altitude, crystal clear mountain streams then tumble down through verdant forest and bamboo in the lower altitude reaches. The forest falls between National Park formed in and Forest Reserve, a combined 1, square kilometers and is where the elephants, buffalo and giant forest hogs, to name just some of the mammals of the area, can be found.

    Eligibility criteria: Trainees shall be selected from nationals of the Member States and Candidate Countries whose membership negotiations have started currently: Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro. Preference shall be given to applicants who have completed or started a course on European integration or a field relating to the EIB's activities as the European Union's financing institution.

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    Trainees may be granted an allowance. The Director of human resources will determine the amount.

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    Applicants with disabilities may receive a supplementary allowance. Students taking up these summer jobs provide general assistance in basic administrative tasks.

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    To ensure fairness, applicants are selected by drawing lots.